
Garance Marillier

Find Garance Marillier movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for Madame Claude

Madame Claude

112 mins|17%31%
French biographical drama set in the late...
French biographical drama set in the late '60s and centred on Madame Claude, head of a powerful prostitution business. Despite handy ties in both the political and criminal worlds, Claude might soon see the end of an era.
  • Netflix
Poster for Titane


R18108 mins|90%85%
From the director of French cult horror Raw comes...
From the director of French cult horror Raw comes this Palme d'Or-winning thriller about an erotic dancer and occasional murderer forced on the run, attempting an improbable disguise.
Poster for Raw (2016)

Raw (2016)

R1899 mins|93%77%
Animalistic horror from French filmmaker Julia Ducournau,...
Animalistic horror from French filmmaker Julia Ducournau, following a teen vegetarian who develops a carnivorous nature at vet school.
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