Rob Campbell

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Poster for Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Hedwig and the Angry Inch

M92 mins|92%93%
John Cameron Mitchell (Joe vs Carole: Miniseries)...
John Cameron Mitchell (Joe vs Carole: Miniseries) directs and stars in this musical saga of a transgender punk-rock woman from East Berlin on tour in America, telling her life story and tracking down the former lover and band-mate who stole her songs (Michael Pitt).
  • Apple TV Store
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  • YouTube
Poster for Boys Don't Cry

Boys Don't Cry

R18118 mins|90%87%
The film that earned Hilary Swank her...
The film that earned Hilary Swank her first Oscar sees her play a young transgender man exploring his sense of self and love in rural Nebraska. Co-stars Chloë Sevigny in a Academy Award-nominated performance.
  • Disney+
  • Apple TV Store
  • Google TV
  • YouTube
Poster for The Crucible

The Crucible

PG-13124 mins|70%66%
A Salem resident attempts to frame her...
A Salem resident attempts to frame her ex-lover's wife for being a witch in the middle of the 1692 witchcraft trials.
  • Disney+
  • Apple TV Store
  • Google TV
  • YouTube
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