Jack McGee

Find Jack McGee movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for Father Of Invention

Father Of Invention

93 mins27%
Comedy drama starring Kevin Spacey as an...
Comedy drama starring Kevin Spacey as an inventor who hit it big and then lost everything when a flaw in the design of his exercise machine ended up crushing people's fingers. Heather Graham, Johnny Knoxville and John Stamos also star.
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Poster for The Fighter

The Fighter

R16117 mins|91%89%
True story, boxing-drama with a stellar cast...
True story, boxing-drama with a stellar cast including Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams. Directed by David O. Russell (Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees).
Poster for The International

The International

R16118 mins|58%37%
An Interpol Agent and a District Attorney...
An Interpol Agent and a District Attorney are determined to bring down a corrupt international bank in this espionage thriller, with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts.
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Poster for Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

PG114 mins|60%62%
Six-year-old Susan Walker has doubts about childhood's...
Six-year-old Susan Walker has doubts about childhood's most enduring miracle—Santa Claus. Her mother told her the secret about Santa a long time ago, but, after meeting a special department store Santa who's convinced he's the real thing, Susan is given the most precious gift of all—something to believe in.
  • Disney+
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