
Oliver Trevena

Find Oliver Trevena movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for Plane (2023)

Plane (2023)

107 mins|78%94%
Gerard Butler (Greenland) and Mike Colter (Luke Cage)...
Gerard Butler (Greenland) and Mike Colter (Luke Cage) star in this action thriller following a pilot forced to make an emergency landing in a war zone, only to be caught between the agendas of multiple militias that are planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage.
Poster for Wire Room

Wire Room

R97 mins91%
Bruce Willis and Kevin Dillon star in...
Bruce Willis and Kevin Dillon star in this action thriller about an infamous Irish arms dealer on the run after a bloody gang war who ends up in the States as a middleman for the Baja cartel.
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