Open Water

79 mins
Poster for Open Water

Survival horror-thriller, loosely based on the true story of two scuba divers accidentally stranded in the shark infested waters of the... More

Where to watch Open Water

Open Water is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on Netflix and Prime Video and Apple TV Store and Neon Rentals.

Open Water | Ratings & Reviews

"Kentis ends up treading water until, finally, the whole film gets sucked under."


"Simply a stunt - hopelessly literal-minded and cheap in every sense."

Village VoiceVillage Voice

"Clearly, this one will divide viewers, but the vote here is that Open Water is an unpleasant experience."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"A taut, 79-minute fright fest peppered with enough payoffs and glossed with a mournful philosophic overlay."

Chicago TribuneChicago Tribune

"You can feel the water, stretching against an unsheltering sky, seep into your bones."

Rolling StoneRolling Stone

"Ultimately too under-dramatised to provoke anything more intense than squirming discomfort."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"On a visceral level it's about as much fun as watching someone pull the wings off a butterfly."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"By no means a good movie."

Seattle Post-IntelligencerSeattle Post-Intelligencer

"A tiny movie about ocean fears that will flush that overrated The Blair Witch Project 20,000 leagues under the sea."

USA TodayUSA Today

"It'll leave you with the creeps and make you think twice about swimming in the ocean..."

E! OnlineE! Online

"It gets under your defenses and sidesteps the 'it's only a movie' reflex and creates a visceral feeling that might as well be real."

Roger EbertRoger Ebert

"Wrings every possible drop of tension out of a simple premise and a micro budget."

New York PostNew York Post

"It's ridiculously cheap and terrifying at the same time."

Boston GlobeBoston Globe

"You can almost taste the saltwater, and the fear."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"Kentis keeps it simple and direct, and the effect is devastating."

New York Daily NewsNew York Daily News

"It's a very pure, basic kind of terror, nail-bitingly fun to watch; made more so by the startling realism of the sharks."

Seattle TimesSeattle Times

"An ingenious triumph of imagination over budget."

TV GuideTV Guide

"As the clock ticks on, the sharks thresh and the dialogue continues to stagnate, you might just catch yourself wickedly thinking: Come on sharks, let's do this."

The Washington PostThe Washington Post

"We, the audience, shuffle out of the theater, feeling drained and punished."


"Becomes a slow and steady descent into pure fear."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"The unforgiving power of nature (is) on display to amazing, and frightening, effect."


"Terrifying precisely because it doesn't go in for cheesy shock tactics and special effects."


"It's a triumph of chills on the cheap that delivers its gut punch of terror by slowly but surely immersing distinctly everyday characters into the unthinkable."

Film ThreatFilm Threat

"As it dawns on the couple that they've slipped several links down the food chain, you're right there with them."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"An unjustly forgotten shark movie of the highest, nerve-shredding calibre."

Herald SunHerald Sun

Open Water | Details

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