Bill Murray

Find Bill Murray movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for Fantastic Mr. Fox

Fantastic Mr. Fox

PG87 mins|93%85%
A family of foxes survive by stealing...
A family of foxes survive by stealing meals from three mean spirited farmers who live nearby. Once the farmers realise where who the thieves are, the battle lines are drawn between man and nature. Directed by Wes Anderson.
  • Disney+
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Poster for Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

PG101 mins|94%88%
Comedy classic starring Bill Murray as a...
Comedy classic starring Bill Murray as a snobby weatherman forced to relive Groundhog Day over and over again. From Harold Ramis, director of Caddyshack.
Poster for Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation

M102 mins|95%85%
Before Scarlett Johannsson became a pouty A-lister...
Before Scarlett Johannsson became a pouty A-lister peddling perfume she was the perfect wide-eyed ingénue, stuck in Tokyo with no one to talk to except Bill Murray in this classic, deadpan Sofia Coppola comedy. 
Poster for The Darjeeling Limited

The Darjeeling Limited

M104 mins|69%78%
Wes Anderson's India-bound journey follows three brothers,...
Wes Anderson's India-bound journey follows three brothers, Jason Schwartzman, Owen Wilson and Adrien Brody. Says Anderson: the brothers' trip is a "spiritual journey for them to bond… but it really just turns into a bender."
  • Disney+
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Poster for The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

M119 mins|57%82%
Wes Anderson's Life Aqautic is a tour-de-force...
Wes Anderson's Life Aqautic is a tour-de-force of Bill Murray's talents – only he could be a juvenile, ignorant, shallow, disenchanted sad-sack and still be a movie's hilarious hero, let alone top your imaginary dinner guest wish-list.
  • Disney+
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for The Limits of Control

The Limits of Control

M116 mins|43%43%
Jim Jarmusch's thriller about a mysterious loner...
Jim Jarmusch's thriller about a mysterious loner whose activities remain outside the law. In the process of completing a job, his journey takes him not only across Spain but also through his own consciousness. Blimey.
  • Apple TV Store
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Poster for Wild Things (1998)

Wild Things (1998)

R18108 mins|64%54%
The 1998 crime thriller famed for, more...
The 1998 crime thriller famed for, more than anything else, the kissing scene between Neve Cambell and Denise Richards...
  • Neon
  • Apple TV Store
  • AroVision
  • Academy On Demand
Poster for Zombieland


R1689 mins|89%86%
A horror-comedy set in a world overrun...
A horror-comedy set in a world overrun by zombies. Stars Woody Harrelson, Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine), Jesse Eisenberg (The Squid and the Whale), Emma Stone (Superbad) and a Bill Murray cameo.
Poster for Broken Flowers

Broken Flowers

M106 mins|87%70%
Deadpan comedy from Jim Jarmusch and starring...
Deadpan comedy from Jim Jarmusch and starring Bill Murray (at the peak of his renaissance, following collaborations with Wes Anderson and Sofia Coppola). Co-stars Sharon Stone, Jessica Lange and Tilda Swinton.
  • Apple TV Store
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Poster for The Royal Tenenbaums

The Royal Tenenbaums

R13110 mins|81%89%
The story of the Tenenbaum family's sudden,...
The story of the Tenenbaum family's sudden, unexpected reunion one recent winter...
  • Disney+
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Poster for Ghostbusters (1984)

Ghostbusters (1984)

PG105 mins|95%88%
Classic 1984 comedy about three odd-ball scientists...
Classic 1984 comedy about three odd-ball scientists (Bill Murray, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis) who set up a business, capturing ghosts for money.
Poster for Rushmore


M89 mins|90%91%
Wes Anderson's cult hit comedy - his...
Wes Anderson's cult hit comedy - his second film after 1996’s Bottle Rocket. Eccentric, 15-year-old Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman) is the king of Rushmore prep school’s extra-curricular activities...
  • Disney+
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for Space Jam

Space Jam

G87 mins|43%63%
Michael Jordan enters the cartoon world of...
Michael Jordan enters the cartoon world of the Looney Toons in this in this mid ‘90s live-action/animated sports comedy.
Poster for Ed Wood

Ed Wood

M127 mins|92%88%
Tim Burton directs Johnny Depp as Edward...
Tim Burton directs Johnny Depp as Edward D. Wood in this 1994 biopic of the legendary filmmaker, recognised as the worst director of all time, behind some of the most delightfully terrible films ever made (most famously, 1959's Plan 9 from Outer Space). Co-stars Patricia Arquette, Bill Murray and Martin Landau who nabbed Best Supporting Oscar for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi.
  • Disney+
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  • Google TV
  • YouTube
Poster for What About Bob?

What About Bob?

PG100 mins|82%79%
Black comedy from director Frank Oz and...
Black comedy from director Frank Oz and star Bill Murray. Before going on vacation, self-involved psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfus) has the misfortune of taking on a new patient: Bob Wiley (Murray). An exemplar of neediness and a compendium of phobias, Bob follows Marvin to his family's country house. Dr. Marvin tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Bob. As his oblivious patient makes himself at home, Dr. Marvin loses his professional composure and, before long, may be ready for the loony bin himself.
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for Quick Change

Quick Change

PG89 mins|84%71%
Bill Murray stars in (and co-directs) this...
Bill Murray stars in (and co-directs) this crime comedy, set in the wake of a bank robbery. Despite the heist going to plan, things become unstuck when the robbers find one mishap after another thwarting their escape from New York.
  • Apple TV Store
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  • YouTube
Poster for Tootsie


PG112 mins|91%81%
Dustin Hoffman is Tootsie, the female creation...
Dustin Hoffman is Tootsie, the female creation of a long-struggling unemployed actor who pulls off the con to win a role on a daytime TV show. Co-stars director Sydney Pollack, Bill Murray and Jessica Lange.
Poster for Little Shop of Horrors

Little Shop of Horrors

PG90 mins|91%79%
Rick Moranis, Steve Martin and Ellen Greene...
Rick Moranis, Steve Martin and Ellen Greene star in this dark comedy rock musical about a struggling flower shop, a carnivorous talking plant and the murders required to keep it well-fed and happy.
  • Apple TV Store
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  • YouTube
Poster for Caddyshack


R1698 mins|72%87%
Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Rodney Dangerfield...
Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Rodney Dangerfield lead this ‘80s comedy classic about an exclusive golf course, populated with snobbish and wealthy eccentrics, a young caddy with hopes of going to college, and a groundskeeper with a psychotic devotion to exterminating an intruding gopher.
  • Apple TV Store
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  • YouTube
Poster for Garfield (2004)

Garfield (2004)

PG80 mins|14%38%
Bill Murray voices Garfield—the lazy lasagna lover...
Bill Murray voices Garfield—the lazy lasagna lover who hates Mondays—in this 2004 family film. When Jon, in an effort to impress the Liz—the vet and an old high-school crush—adopts a dog named Odie and brings him home, Garfield gets the one thing he doesn't want. Competition.
  • Disney+
  • Apple TV Store
Poster for Charlie's Angels (2000)

Charlie's Angels (2000)

M94 mins|68%45%
Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu...
Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu are the Angels - the crime-fighting trio who use state-of-the-art technology and martial arts to kick butt and save the world from evil.
Poster for Ghostbusters II

Ghostbusters II

PG104 mins|55%61%
After waging a war on slime that...
After waging a war on slime that cost New York millions, the Ghostbusters find themselves out of business - until an ancient tyrant sets his sights on Dana Barrett's baby as the new home for his wicked soul…
Poster for Where the Buffalo Roam

Where the Buffalo Roam

PG95 mins|19%73%
Semi-autobiographical film based on the experiences of...
Semi-autobiographical film based on the experiences of gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson (Bill Murray). Thompson's drug-fuelled journalistic adventures covers a free-for-all San Francisco drug trial, a one-on-one bathroom interview with Nixon and the giving away of Superbowl tickets so that he can review the game from his hotel room.
  • Apple TV Store
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