27 Dresses

100 mins
Poster for 27 Dresses

Jane (Knocked Up’s Katherine Heigl) is idealistic, romantic and completely selfless - a bridesmaid 27 times. But her own happy... More

Where to watch 27 Dresses

27 Dresses is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on Google TV and Apple TV Store and Disney+ and Prime Video Store.

There is no screening information for this title.

27 Dresses | Ratings & Reviews

"Katherine Heigel has managed to achieve that much sought after but rarely attained goal – the successful move from small screen to big. The rocky road to the silver screen is littered with the debris of fallen TV angels – Aniston, Schwimmer and Perry to name but a few. Perhaps only George Clooney has managed to do it successfully in more recent years – but Heigel has cracked it too, with her second consecutive, watchable and amusing comedy. (Knocked Up was OK – this is more polished and contains a greater number of quality gags)."

Flicks, TeamFlicks

"Frothy, funny and formulaic, 27 Dresses is a pleasantly predictable romantic comedy that sees Katherine Heigl following “Knocked Up” with smooth moves at the wheel of her first starring vehicle..."


"A chick-flick on a sugar high, so giggly-bouncy and nostalgic for the fantasy-girlhood of its audience that the DVD, which should follow relatively quickly, should come packaged in big pink bows and include a coupon for a free pony ride..."

Premiere MagazinePremiere Magazine

"This film is predictable and follows a standard romantic comedy formula but it doesn't really matter; it's a Valentine's Day release after all. 27 Dresses is cute, and occasionally funny and quirky, but lacks a clear and cohesive script which is surprising, as it's the work of The Devil Wears Prada screenwriter Aline Brosh McKenna. Worse still, no matter how charming the characters, the lack of on-screen chemistry means it's a real stretch to believe there is any true love here. Fortunately there are 27 wonderful bridesmaid creations to keep you entertained."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"I promise you I am in fact very partial to a good chick flick."


"While Heigl is terrific, this uninspired romantic comedy is considerably less so..."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

"27 Dresses is a movie geared to a pitch of high matrimonial-princess fever..."

Entertainment WeeklyEntertainment Weekly

"Promiscuous best friend? Present. Cute kid? Check. Fashion montage? You betcha. Some Farrelly Brothers- style salty language and a sing-a-long and dance number can't pad out what is an ill-fitting and painfully thin plot."

Christchurch PressChristchurch Press

27 Dresses | Details

PG, Coarse Language
Country of origin

27 Dresses | Trailers