Ben Affleck directs and stars in this Academy Award-winning thriller, the true story of a plan hatched by the CIA...
Ben Affleck directs and stars in this Academy Award-winning thriller, the true story of a plan hatched by the CIA to rescue six U.S. diplomats from Iran in 1979. To do so, the Agency teams up with a Hollywood producer to fake a sci-fi movie production, using a location shoot as the pretext to get its people out.
When the U.S. Embassy in Iran is stormed by Islamic students and militants, six embassy staff escape in the confusion. The U.S. Government desperately seeks to get them out of the country before they are found and executed as spies - enter exfiltration specialist Antonio Mendez (Affleck). Mendez goes to Hollywood and works with a make-up artist (John Goodman) and producer (Alan Arkin) to fake the production of a sci-fi film, something that can explain Westerners moving in and out of the country. Then it's off to Tehran, for a rescue mission right under the noses of the new hardcore Islamic regime.
Where to watch Argo
Argo | Details
- Award winner
- Best Picture, Film Editing and Adapted Screenplay at the 2013 Academy Awards. Best Picture (Drama) and Best Director at the Golden Globes 2013. Best Film and Best Director, BAFTA Awards 2013.
- Rating
- M, contains violence & offensive language
- Runtime
- 120
- Genre
- Drama, Thriller, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin