August: Osage County

121 mins
Poster for August: Osage County

The Westons, a dysfunctional Oklahoma family, come together to rally around the clan's dying matriarch in an ensemble lead by... More

Where to watch August: Osage County

August: Osage County is available to stream in New Zealand... More now on YouTube and Google TV and Apple TV Store and TVNZ+ and Neon Rentals and Academy On Demand and AroVision.

There is no screening information for this title.

August: Osage County | Ratings & Reviews

"Katharine Hepburn once said that while watching Meryl Streep you could see the wheels turning in her head. That's a rare distraction, but it invades Streep's otherwise impressive turn as a pill-addled matriarch in Tracy Letts' adaptation of his Pulitzer-Prize-winning play. Streep so inhabits the complex Violet in August: Osage County that it's virtually impossible to envision anyone else in the role, let alone focus on the other stars in the film. But as she rides the highs and lows of the meds, her performance teeters between the brilliant and the OTT."

Flicks, Rebecca Barry HillFlicks

"This two-ton prestige pic won't win the hearts of highbrow critics or those averse to door-slamming, plate-smashing, top-of-the-lungs histrionics, but as a faithful filmed record of Letts' play, one could have scarcely hoped for better."


"The movie may be all ephemerally simple pleasures when compared to the play's durable grand statements-but they're pleasures nonetheless."

Time OutTime Out

"It is possible that Mr. Wells has simply mishandled the material, riding roughshod over subtleties and muffling bravura moments."

The New York TimesThe New York Times

"[Writer] Letts is one of the most formidable talents around today, but in handling his screenplay with such kid gloves, Wells puts a passenger in the driver's seat."

The GuardianThe Guardian

"Roberts is startlingly effective in her grim, hard-driving role... At its best, the story does subtly communicate the sensation that all these characters are the stars of their own bigger worlds. But it’s all more grotesque than immersive."

The DissolveThe Dissolve

"An entertaining adaptation, delivering flavorful rewards in some sharp supporting turns that flank the central mother-daughter adversaries."

Hollywood ReporterHollywood Reporter

August: Osage County | Details

M, Offensive language, drug use & content that may disturb
Comedy, Drama
Country of origin