Chadwick Boseman reprises his titular role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's 18th film. Directed by Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winner Ryan...
Chadwick Boseman reprises his titular role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's 18th film. Directed by Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winner Ryan Coogler (Creed) and winner of three Academy Awards.
When Black Panther's leadership is threatened by two of his foes who join forces, he must fight back along with the C.I.A. and the Dora Milaje. Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) has been revealed to be one of said foes.
Where to watch Black Panther
Black Panther | Details
- Award winner
- Costume Design, Production Design & Original Score, Academy Awards 2019
- Rating
- M, Violence
- Runtime
- 134
- Genre
- Action, Science Fiction
- Country of origin