Portrait of Ian Curtis (Sam Riley), the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led to...
Portrait of Ian Curtis (Sam Riley), the enigmatic singer of Joy Division whose personal, professional, and romantic troubles led to suicide at the age of 23. Story takes us from Curtis' schooldays in Macclesfield in 1973 where the shy Bowie fan daydreamed in class and married his best friend’s girl Deborah (Samantha Morton), up to his suicide on the eve of Joy Division's first American tour. Based on the memoirs of Deborah Curtis, the film focuses on Joy Division’s mounting success and the chaos of Curtis' personal life.
Where to watch Control
Control | Details
- Award winner
- Label Europa Cinemas, Prix Regards Jeune and Golden Camera - Special Mention awards, Cannes 2007.
- Rating
- R16, contains violence, offensive language, sex scenes & content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 119
- Genre
- Drama, Music, True Story & Biography
- Country of origin
- United Kingdom