Déja Vu

91 mins
Poster for Déja Vu

A time warping, cop-mystery, thriller, action, sci-fi extravaganza from director Tony Scott and producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Called in to recover... More

Where to watch Déja Vu

Déja Vu is available to stream in New Zealand now... More on Netflix and Google TV and Apple TV Store and Disney+.

There is no screening information for this title.

Déja Vu | Ratings & Reviews

"A wrinkle in time gives texture and cinematic power to Tony Scott's exquisitely rendered "Deja Vu." The deliberate explosion of a New Orleans ferry carrying hundreds of U.S. sailors triggers what at first looks like the ultimate "CSI" episode care of producer Jerry Bruckheimer. But time-bending and tense-switching dimensions send "Deja Vu" to the level of an existential sci-fi thriller sure to elicit post-screening discussions and a fine holiday take..."


"[A] needlessly complicated and confusing thriller -- the loose ends would stretch from here to eternity..."

San Francisco ChronicleSan Francisco Chronicle

"Gritty thriller that makes no sense..."

New Zealand HeraldNew Zealand Herald

"It's a tribute to the skill involved in making "Deja vu" that it's actually possible to suspend disbelief for two solid hours..."

New York PostNew York Post

"What is interesting is not how little sense Déj? Vu makes but how little that matters. If you want your films to add up logically, you're welcome to take your calculator somewhere else. But if you do, you will be missing out on some first-class genre fun..."

Los Angeles TimesLos Angeles Times

"Nobody does vapid bollocks as enjoyably as Tony Scott, and while this isn't as inventive as "Man On Fire" or as compelling as "Crimson Tide," it's still the right side of dumb..."

Empire MagazineEmpire Magazine

"Tony Scott's visuals are as stylishly empty as ever - the strange burnished effect of the time travelling sequences is especially lovely. But it's Denzel himself, ambling through the nonsense with just the right degree of twinkling insouciance, who keeps you watching. Good fun..."


Déja Vu | Details

M, Contains Medium Level Violence
Action, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller
Country of origin

Déja Vu | Trailers