In the fourth and final installment in the Richard Donner-directed buddy-cop action series, Lethal Weapon 4 brings Mel Gibson, Danny...
In the fourth and final installment in the Richard Donner-directed buddy-cop action series, Lethal Weapon 4 brings Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci and Rene Russo back together in their roles, this time on a mission to take down Asian crime boss Way Sing Ku (Jet Li in his U.S. film debut).
Maverick detectives Martin Riggs (Gibson) and Roger Murtaugh (Glover) square off against Asian mobster Wah Sing Ku, who's up to his neck in slave trading and counterfeit currency. With help from private eye Leo Getz (Pesci) and smart-aleck rookie cop Lee Butters (Chris Rock), Riggs and Murtaugh must take down Ku and his gang.
Where to watch Lethal Weapon 4
Lethal Weapon 4 | Details
- Rating
- M, Violence and offensive language
- Runtime
- 127
- Genre
- Action, Thriller
- Country of origin