Pummeled by the critics, Wayan Brothers comedy the 'Little Man' follows Calvin – revolting to the eye and both a...
Pummeled by the critics, Wayan Brothers comedy the 'Little Man' follows Calvin – revolting to the eye and both a hardened criminal & a dwarf (his is look achieved by attaching Marlon Wayans noggin to a the body of a 9 year old thespian). After being released from prison, Calvin teams up with hapless crim Percy (Morgan) to steal a diamond. In the course of their clumsy getaway, the diamond accidentally ends up with a married couple Darryl & Vanessa (Shawn Wayans & Kerry Washington).
The moronic thieves concoct a plan: in an attempt to infiltrate the couple’s lives & retrieve the jewel, Calvin dresses up as a baby and has Percy leave him on their doorstep. Darryl & Vanessa, though shocked to find him, decide to care for the "infant". Calvin works behind the scenes to retrieve the diamond, whilst trying to control his sexual urges & violent temper.
Where to watch Little Man
Little Man | Details
- Rating
- M, contains sexual references
- Runtime
- 90
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin