Disney family musical with Emily Blunt as the titular magical nanny. Follows the events of the 1964 original. Directed by...
Disney family musical with Emily Blunt as the titular magical nanny. Follows the events of the 1964 original. Directed by Oscar-nominee Rob Marshall (Chicago). Co-stars Lin-Manuel Miranda, Meryl Streep and Colin Firth.
1930s depression-era London (the time period of the original novels). Michael (Ben Whishaw) and Jane (Emily Mortimer) are now grown up, with Michael, his three children and their housekeeper, Ellen (Julie Walters), living on Cherry Tree Lane. After Michael suffers a personal loss, Mary Poppins re-enters the lives of the Banks family, and, along with the optimistic street lamplighter Jack (Miranda), uses her unique magical skills to help the family rediscover the joy missing in their lives.
Where to watch Mary Poppins Returns
Mary Poppins Returns | Details
- Rating
- G,
- Runtime
- 130
- Genre
- Fantasy, Kids & Family, Musical
- Country of origin