Scarlett Johansson leads this R-rated bachelorette party comedy as the bride-to-be, reunited with her longtime friends played by Kate McKinnon...
Scarlett Johansson leads this R-rated bachelorette party comedy as the bride-to-be, reunited with her longtime friends played by Kate McKinnon (Ghostbusters), Jillian Bell (22 Jump Street), Ilana Glazer (Broad City), and Zoë Kravitz (Mad Max: Fury Road).
Determined to get their freak on in Miami, the squad spend the night getting loose and slamming drugs. But when a male stripper accidentally dies in their hands, their weekend suddenly goes into panic mode. From the writer-director of Broad City.
Where to watch Rough Night
Rough Night | Details
- Rating
- R16, Violence, offensive language, drug use, sex scenes & content that may disturb
- Runtime
- 101
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin