Sony Animation Studios team up with the writers-directors of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for this animated, Academy Award-winning, multiverse Spider-Man film. Features...
Sony Animation Studios team up with the writers-directors of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for this animated, Academy Award-winning, multiverse Spider-Man film. Features the voices of Shameik Moore (Dope), Liev Schreiber (Spotlight) and Oscar winner Mahershala Ali (Moonlight).
Miles Morales (Moore) is juggling life between being a high school student and being Spider-Man. When Wilson "Kingpin" Fisk (Schreiber) uses a super collider, another Spider-Man from another dimension, Peter Parker (Johnson), accidentally winds up in Miles' dimension. As Peter trains Miles to become a better Spider-Man, they are soon joined by four others from across the Spider-Verse. As all these clashing dimensions start to tear Brooklyn apart, Miles must help the others stop Fisk and return everyone home.
Where to watch Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | Details
- Award winner
- Best Animated Film, Golden Globes 2019 & Academy Awards 2019
- Rating
- PG, Violence and coarse language
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Action, Kids & Family, Science Fiction
- Country of origin