In the second chapter, the Fellowship has dispersed after an attack of Uruk-Hai. Frodo and Sam head south towards...
In the second chapter, the Fellowship has dispersed after an attack of Uruk-Hai. Frodo and Sam head south towards Mordor, with the slippery creature Gollum on their trail. Meanwhile, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli pursue the remaining kidnapped hobbits westward across the plains of Rohan, where the Norse-like horsemen dwell. Here they find the once proud people under the spell of the evil Wizard Saruman, who keeps a hold on them from his tower in Isengard. The struggle for the ring now comes from two directions - Saruman's tower in the west and the dark lord Sauron's in the east.
Where to watch The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Details
- Award winner
- Best Sound Editing, Visual Effects; Academy Awards 2003
- Rating
- M, Medium level violence
- Runtime
- 235
- Genre
- Adventure, Fantasy
- Country of origin
- USA, New Zealand