Based on the true story of Nathaniel Ayres, a schizophrenic who found himself homeless and busking for change in LA...
Based on the true story of Nathaniel Ayres, a schizophrenic who found himself homeless and busking for change in LA despite his prodigious musical ability, this is the latest offering from Atonement director Joe Wright. Forging a niche for himself as a portrayer of afflicted musical genius, Jamie Foxx (Ray) takes on the role of Ayres.
The story draws from an article by Steve Lopez (played by Robert Downey Jr) - an LA based journalist who attempts to help Nathaniel make his dream of playing at the Walt Disney Concert Hall come true.
Where to watch The Soloist
The Soloist | Details
- Rating
- M, contains offensive language
- Runtime
- 117
- Genre
- Drama, Music
- Country of origin