New Zealand drama based on the award-winning novel Of A Boy by Sonya Hartnett. Follows sensitive 11-year-old Adrian (newcomer Demos...
New Zealand drama based on the award-winning novel Of A Boy by Sonya Hartnett. Follows sensitive 11-year-old Adrian (newcomer Demos Murphy), struggling with his fears and anxieties since the disappearance of three kids in his small town. Co-stars Matthew Sunderland (Out of the Blue).
One day Adrian meets Nicole (newcomer Angelina Cottrell), a mysterious, crazy, frightening girl who moves in next door with her little sister and brother. They might just be everything Adrian ever wanted. This is the feature debut from writer/director Daniel Borgman and premiered at the Berlin Film Festival 2013.
Where to watch The Weight of Elephants
The Weight of Elephants | Details
- Rating
- M, Content may disturb
- Runtime
- 83
- Genre
- Drama
- Country of origin
- New Zealand , Denmark, Germany, France