The mighty Julia Louis-Dreyfus leads this lightly comedic A24 film following a novelist's longstanding marriage as it's suddenly upended when...
The mighty Julia Louis-Dreyfus leads this lightly comedic A24 film following a novelist's longstanding marriage as it's suddenly upended when she overhears her husband giving his honest reaction to her latest book.
New York novelist Beth (Louis-Dreyfus) has been working for years on the follow-up to her somewhat successful memoir, sharing countless drafts with her approving, supportive husband Don (Tobias Menzies). Beth’s world quickly unravels when she overhears Don admit to her brother-in-law, Mark (Arian Moayed), that actually, he doesn’t like the new book. She vents to her sister Sara (Michaela Watkins) that decades of a loving, committed marriage pale in comparison to this immense betrayal.
Meanwhile, therapist Don faces his own professional problems as he finds himself unable to care about or even recall his unhappy patients' issues anymore... and they’ve begun to notice.
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You Hurt My Feelings | Details
- Rating
- M, Drug use & offensive language
- Runtime
- 93
- Genre
- Comedy
- Country of origin