Test post

Here’s a page which lays every possible element… and custom element we use the above. Above is our Sponrosred Content image (HERO).
Of course there’s paragraphs like this one, bold copy, italic copy, linked copy.
Let’s test some links
On Demand provider (Netflix NZ)
And here is our smart link – this one has HTML in the code.
Poster version
Streaming only…
In cinemas…
Thelma & Louise
Coming soon…
The Equalizer 3
Non poster version
Streaming only…
In cinemas…
Coming soon…
H2 headings
H3 headings
What else do we have… STARS:
Quote me with a big lovely quote.
Also, an in-article VIDEO AD:
Sometimes we include a SIGN UP FORM
Of course iFRAMES – like YouTube:
We do a thing we call a SMART LINK, goes like this:
Also, is our styles BUTTON
Where to watchImages as well