
Find Ice-T movies and shows streaming in New Zealand

Poster for Tank Girl

Tank Girl

M104 mins|45%62%
Feminist, post-apocalyptic sci-fi actioner - based on...
Feminist, post-apocalyptic sci-fi actioner - based on the comic strip series by Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett - with the tagline: "In 2033, justice rides a tank and wears lip gloss". Set in a drought-ravaged Australia (though shot largely in Arizona), Tank Girl (Petty) fights a mega-corporation which controls the water supply. Co-stars Naomi Watts, Ice-T and Malcolm McDowell. Features a soundtrack by Courtney Love.
  • Prime Video
Poster for New Jack City

New Jack City

R97 mins|80%80%
Wesley Snipes, Ice-T and Chris Rock star in...
Wesley Snipes, Ice-T and Chris Rock star in this early '90s crime thriller about a gangster making a million dollars every week selling crack, and a cop who discovers that the only way to infiltrate the gang is to become a dealer himself.
  • Apple TV Store
  • Google TV
  • YouTube
Poster for Leprechaun in the Hood

Leprechaun in the Hood

R90 mins|33%31%
When Butch, Postmaster P, and Stray Bullet...
When Butch, Postmaster P, and Stray Bullet loot the local hip-hop mogul's studio to fund their demo album, the threesome unwittingly ends up with the secret of Mack Daddy's success: a magical flute. Their gigs instantly turn golden but a blood-thristy Leprechaun and an angry Mack Daddy are hot on their trail, leaving a wake of destruction tainted by politically incorrect limericks.
  • Prime Video
  • Apple TV Store
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