Movies archive

Poster for Candyman (2021)

Candyman (2021)

Billed as a "spiritual sequel" to the 1992 horror, produced and co-written by Jordan Peele (Get Out). Set in the now-gentrified Chicago neighbourhood where the Candyman legend - a murderous soul with a hook for a hand, the son of a slave killed in the late 19th century, summoned by saying his name five times in the mirror - began. Tony Todd, who played The Candyman in the original, returns.

Poster for Candyman: Farewell To The Flesh

Candyman: Farewell To The Flesh

Continues the tale of the hook-handed demon who brings a terrible fate upon those who repeat his name five times, from 1992's original Candyman.

Poster for Cannes Confidential: Season 1

Cannes Confidential: Season 1

Set against Cannes and the Cote d'Azur, this comedic series centers on the relationship between an idealistic and ambitious female cop and an ex-conman and master of counterfeit, who's on the run from both the police and the mob. 

Poster for Cannibal Cabin

Cannibal Cabin

A summer vacation turns into a fight for survival in the middle of nowhere in this British horror.

Poster for Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Holocaust

In this infamous found-footage horror from the '80s, a New York University professor returns from a rescue mission to the Amazon rainforest with the footage shot by a lost team of documentarians who were making a film about the area's local cannibal tribes.

Poster for Cannonball Run II

Cannonball Run II

When a wealthy sheikh puts up $1 million in prize money for a cross-country car race, there is one person crazy enough to hit the road hard with wheels spinning fast. Legendary driver J.J. McClure enters the competition along with his friend Victor and together they set off across the American landscape in a madcap action-adventure destined to test their wits and automobile skills.

Poster for Canopy


An Australian fighter pilot is shot down over Singapore in 1942, and awakens suspended in the treetops in this survival thriller. As night gives way to day, he navigates dangerous jungle and hostile forces in search of sanctuary.

Poster for Canterbury Glass

Canterbury Glass

David O. Russell directs this story of a doctor and lawyer who form an unlikely partnership. Starring Christian Bale, Margot Robbie and John David Washington.

Poster for Cap Bocage

Cap Bocage

The 2008 pollution of traditional New Caledonian fishing grounds, and the environmental campaign that followed, takes centre stage in this documentary from the director of Mental Notes.

Poster for Cape Fear (1962)

Cape Fear (1962)

Sam Bowden (played by Gregory Peck) witnesses a rape committed by Max Cady (Robert Mitchum) and testifies against him. When released after eight years in prison, Cady begins stalking Bowden and his family, but is always clever enough not to violate the law.

Poster for Cape Fear (1991)

Cape Fear (1991)

Martin Scorsese (The Irishman, Wolf of Wall Street) directs this remake of the 1962 film of the same name. A convicted rapist, released from prison after serving a fourteen-year sentence, stalks the family of the lawyer who originally defended him. Starring Robert De Niro (Raging Bull), Nick Nolte (The Prince of Tides), Juliette Lewis (Natural Born Killers), and Jessica Lange (American Horror Story).

Poster for Cape Town: Miniseries

Cape Town: Miniseries

Crime-thriller mini-series set in Cape Town, centred on a grieving cop forced to get back on the saddle.

Poster for Capernaum


A rebellious kid wishes to sue his parents for having him in this Cannes Jury Prize-winning drama from Nadine Labaki (Where Do We Go Now?).

Poster for Capitaine Conan

Capitaine Conan

Historical war drama from French filmmaker Bertrand Tavernier, examining returning World War I soldiers and the troubled lives they lead after the savagery of the battlefield. Based on the 1934 autobiographical novel by Roger Vercel.

Poster for Capital in the 21st Century

Capital in the 21st Century

Documentary exploring modern day capitalism from the director of Chasing Great. Based on Thomas Piketty's best selling book.

Poster for Capitalism: A Love Story

Capitalism: A Love Story

Infamous documentarian/activist Michael Moore is back with a look at the global financial crisis and the U.S. economy during the transition between the Obama and Bush administrations.

Poster for Capone


Tom Hardy is Al Capone in this crime biopic exploring the later years of the infamous gangster's life, where those around him are unsure if he has dementia or if it's all just an act. 

Poster for Capote


Philip Seymour Hoffman is author Truman Capote. Set in 1959, it covers the fey New York writer's dubious methods in writing In Cold Blood, his non-fiction chronicle of a horrific and senseless Kansas murder and its subsequent trial.

Poster for Capri-Revolution


A young rural woman on the island of Capri discovers a commune of free-living artists in this Venice Golden Lion-nominated period drama.

Poster for Capricorn One

Capricorn One

NASA fakes a mission to Mars in this political thriller starring Elliott Gould, James Brolin, Sam Waterstone and O.J. Simpson.

Poster for Captain (2022)

Captain (2022)

Arya leads this Indian action sci-fi following a military officer assigned to fight aliens.